May 27

Emberi generációk = technológiai generációk

Nagyon jó ez a felütés Benedict Evanstől, nagyjából minden technológiai fejlődés ilyesmi lépésekben halad, és akár tetszik, akár nem, szorosan összefügg az emberi generációkkal is. My grandfather could probably have told you how many electric motors he owned. There was one in the car, one in the fridge, one in his drill and so on. My father, when I was a child, might have struggled to list all the motors he owned (how many, exactly, are in a car?) but could have told you how many devices were in the house that had a chip in. Today, I have no idea how many device I own with a chip, but I could tell you how many have a network connection. And I doubt my children will know that, in their turn. The internet of things - Benedict Evans

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