Will Hungary respond to European concerns on Chinese foreign investment? – A preliminary assessment on foreign investment screening in Hungary

In the past couple of years, Chinese companies have steadily increased their economic presence and expanded their investment portfolio in the Central and Eastern European region. While cooperation between CEE countries and China is still far from its full potency, the institutionalization of the relationship through the 16+1 framework and the continuing political support in the region for doing business with Chinese companies indicate that this tendency is likely to continue in the future. CEE countries, however, are facing a dilemma between encouraging and welcoming the flow of Chinese foreign direct investment, on the one hand, and safeguarding strategic sectors and industries of their national economies, on the other.
As of September 2017, only 12 out of the 28 member states (Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Spain and the UK), had some kind of a national investment screening mechanism in place for the sake of balancing between these two considerations. Since these national screening mechanisms reflect unique characteristics and vary significantly in scope and design, the European Commission has put forward a proposal to regulate the matter more systematically by establishing a collective screening framework, providing oversight for investment projects or programs involving the community’s interest. While official documents do not single out Chinese companies to explain the need for such protective regulation, the EU’s concerns and suspicions about Chinese investors nonetheless provide one important rationale for an effective investment screening mechanism.
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Egyéb kategóriába sorolva

Will Hungary respond to European concerns on Chinese foreign investment?

In the past couple of years, Chinese companies have steadily increased their economic presence and expanded their investment portfolio in the Central and Eastern European region. While cooperation between CEE countries and China is still far from its full potency, the institutionalization of the relationship through the 16+1 framework and the continuing political support in the region for doing business with Chinese companies indicate that this tendency is likely to continue in the future. CEE countries, however, are facing a dilemma between encouraging and welcoming the flow of Chinese foreign direct investment, on the one hand, and safeguarding strategic sectors and industries of their national economies, on the other.
As of September 2017, only 12 out of the 28 member states (Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Spain and the UK), had some kind of a national investment screening mechanism in place for the sake of balancing between these two considerations. Since these national screening mechanisms reflect unique characteristics and vary significantly in scope and design, the European Commission has put forward a proposal to regulate the matter more systematically by establishing a collective screening framework, providing oversight for investment projects or programs involving the community’s interest. While official documents do not single out Chinese companies to explain the need for such protective regulation, the EU’s concerns and suspicions about Chinese investors nonetheless provide one important rationale for an effective investment screening mechanism.
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Egyéb kategóriába sorolva

Is Hungary attractive for VC/PE investors?

Two prominent international Business Schools, the EISE in Barcelona and the EM in Lyon ranked 125 countries of the world on the ninth occasion according to how attractive they are for investments by VC and PE companies. (The study can be downloaded here.) It is not difficult to guess the first ten countries: (1) the […]
The post Is Hungary attractive for VC/PE investors? appeared first on SZTAK blog.

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107 cég 7,26 milliárd forintot kapott a Hiventures-től

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